Monday, January 11, 2010

Most Anticipated Albums of 2010

I'm really looking forward to this year in music. There's a lot of new music coming out from some great bands. I'm looking forward to seeing what these bands do with their new albums.

Yeasayer - Odd Blood
All Hour Cymbals was easily one of my favorite records from 2007. "2080" is one of my favorite songs to listen to. Their last album was pretty weird, so I'm interested to see how much weirder they can get.

MGMT - Congratulations
While I really like Oracular Spectacular, I didn't think it deserved the hype it got. I'm looking forward to this one mainly because I want to see what they can do.

Los Campesinos! - Romance Is Boring
While I'm sad that Aleks is leaving the band, I'm really really excited for the new album, because even without her, they can do no wrong. Also, I'm looking forward to seeing how Gareth's sister, Kim, will do in replacing Aleks.

Panda Bear
After how good Person Pitch and Merriweather Post Pavilion was, I'm looking forward to seeing if this album could be even better than those two.

The Strokes
While the chemistry between the guys is horrible outside of the studio, they're just so damn good, and it's been so long since their last album that this should be interesting.

Arcade Fire
The third LP from them should be out in May. I can listen to them and never get tired of them, so I should love this one.

No Age
Very excited about this. Probably a little more than most people. No Age was pretty much the first noise rock band I listened to, so they have a special place in my heart.

She And Him - Volume 2
Very excited to hear more of this great duo. There's gonna be 11 originals, 1 cover and one Tilly and the Wall guest spot.

Of Montreal - False Priest
Very excited to see how the progression goes for this next album. Will it be poppier?

Band Of Horses - Night Rainbows
One of the only bands I can fall asleep to.

Jonsi - Go
The Sigur Ros' frontman's solo debut is featuring string arrangements from contemporary classical composer Nico Muhly. So stoked.

Beastie Boys - Hot Sauce Committee Pt. 1
Having seen their collaboration with Nas live at Bonnaroo, I'm really looking forward to how awesome this album is going to be. Wishing MCA a speedy recovery.

Other albums that there's not much info but I'm really looking forward to:
The Kills
Kanye West
The White Stripes/Dead Weather
Broken Social Scene
Sigur Ros
The Shins
Blitzen Trapper
Margot and the Nuclear So And So's
Delta Spirit
Girl Talk
Holy Fuck
Bright Eyes

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Album Covers of the Year

I'm back! This is sort of a fun thing to do. 10 Best and Worst Album Covers of the year, so far.

Top 10 Worst Album Covers

10. Aiden - Knives

Reason why: If Aiden hasn't lost most of it's fans by now because of frontman's WiL Francis' constant douchebaggery, this cover will surely make the band lose the rest of them.

9. Jeremy Jay - Slow Dance

Reason Why: It looks like an album from the 70's where they would just have the band members stand in front of a wall and shoot them like that. Plus the font is pretty much unreadable.

8. LMFAO - Party Rock

Reason Why: A picture of you crowd surfing while grabbing your balls does not make for a good album cover.

7. Reel Big Fish - Fame, Fortune, And Fornication

Reason Why: It looks like they shot a picture of a biker couple and then spent twenty minutes on the font. Horrible.

6. Kinky - Barracuda

Reason Why: Sorry Kinky. I like your music, but it looks like you spend five minutes on each album cover. It really turns me off. :(

5. Cobra Starship - Hot Mess

Reason Why: Everyone who was once a fan of Midtown is weeping right now. Or at least they should be.

4. Jeffree Star - Beauty Killer

Reason Why: Really? Come on, really?

3. Brokencyde - I'm Not A Fan, But the Kids Like It

Reason Why: Should be self-explanatory.

2. The Jonas Brothers - Lines, Vines, And Trying Times

Reason Why: Trying to look cool, and failing miserably; the Jonas Brothers just never seem to appeal to me.

1. Brooke Hogan - The Redemption

Reason Why: The artwork making Ms. Hogan as an angel is gut-wrenching by itself. Add to that the fact that she has her own record deal, and this is an easy choice for number one.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


If anyone happens to be reading this blog (doubtful), I'm really sorry about the lack of updates. I've had a lot of work lately so my free time is very short. Hopefully when I come back from vacation, I will be able to update more often.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Holy Fuck - LP

All right, let's start this off. This album really got me into electronic music. I saw this group live at Lollapalooza last year and they blew my mind. They hail from Toronto, and are really one of a kind.

Year: 2007
Buy It: Amazon
Download: Mediafire

Paper Planes Remix


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Intro + Nothing Gets Crossed Out

Hey everyone. Just wanted to say thanks for checking out my blog. If you need a re-up, just ask, it's never any trouble. I started this blog because of my passion for music. I feel the need to share some of the music that has inspired me so much, with others. Even if you listen to one thing from this blog, I thank you. Enjoy the music!